Koi Melai Mera Pritam | Late Principle Baldev Singh Ji | Maaee Moro Pritam

2018-02-08 1

'Koi Melai Mera Pritam' by Late Principle Baldev Singh Ji from album 'Maaee Moro Pritam'.

Year of Release : 2017
Song : Koi Melai Mera Pritam
Album : Maaee Moro Pritam
Singer: Late Principle Baldev Singh Ji.
Composed by: Daler Mehndi
Lyrics: Guru Ramdas ji (Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji)
Audio Mastering : Aakash Jaitly
Kayboard : Hemant Sharma
Video Editor : Gurvinder Singh
Label : DRecords


Lyrics :

Dhaevagandhhaaree ||

Mere man mukẖ har har har bolīai.
O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har.

Gurmukẖ rang cẖalūlai rāṯī har parem bẖīnī cẖolīai. ||1|| rahāo.
The Gurmukh is imbued with the deep red color of the poppy. His shawl is saturated with the Lord's Love. ||1||Pause||

Hao firao ḏivānī āval bāval ṯis kāraṇ har dẖolīai.
I wander around here and there, like a madman, bewildered, seeking out my Darling Lord.

Koī melai merā parīṯam piārā ham ṯis kī gul golīai. ||1||
I shall be the slave of the slave of whoever unites me with my Darling Beloved. ||1||

Saṯgur purakẖ manāvahu apunā har amriṯ pī jẖolīai.
So align yourself with the Almighty True Guru; drink in and savor the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord.

Gur parsāḏ jan Nānak pāiā har lāḏẖā ḏeh tolīai. ||2||3||
By Guru's Grace, servant Nanak has obtained the wealth of the Lord within. ||2||3||


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